We now offer Fairtrade Gold!
It feels like a very big scissors and cutting the bow moment… Drum roll please… We are extremelly proud to announce that we now offer...

Hannah's Work Experience Week - Designing a ring
At Dytham Jewellery Designers we took the opportunity during work experience week at a local high school to learn the ways of being a...

Contemporary Craft - Part One
Pushing the boundaries of craft in the goldsmith industry Since the 1960’s the boundaries regarding jewellery craft and design have...
From sketching to hand carving a ring
#Video #Jewellerymaking #jewellerysketching #ringdesign #bespokejewellery #newcastle #whitleybay #monkseaton #bespokering #twistring...

How much should you spend on an engagement ring?
In all honestly its up to you, the ring is all about the recipient not the value in these times. Don't worry about if it should be 1...

Happy Halloween
We not only have skills making jewellery... but pumpkin carving too.... Say hello to The Dytham's Halloween Tiger 2015 #Halloween...

A Commission Story
We thought it would be nice to show you exactly how a ring has been made when being carved in wax here at Dytham Jewellery Designers....

Completing the New Brand Look
We just got a little bit over excited that we now have branded boxes for all our wonderful commmissions. We couldn't just have a big...

New Look, comes with a New Name
Everyone has been curious as to what has been going on in a shop recently. Don't worry we haven't changed hands, we just want to showcase...